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We are having dinner, a kind invitation that I cannot break from my dear friend Murat Mete; an hour

Another opportunity to share that may change the lives of a few of our friends in Istanbul.

Here we go…

- What I will tell you now will make you a lot of money while coloring your life, depending on your depth of perception and your courage.

- You can make money from the right thing instead of losing by struggling with many things that you criticize and disturb in your life. Believe me, many people need similar things while complaining about the same problem as you.

- The design of #transformation is very difficult or even impossible for those who live by dogmas; however, it is very exciting and easy for people who have a critical point of view, question, research and seek meaning, that is, who can develop philosophical thinking.

- Actually, the most important tool of #digitaltransformation depends on the "thinking skills of natural intelligence" rather than artificial intelligence.

- Meaning disappears when it is replaced by tools; Labor, time, faith all go to waste. You can achieve something, but it is of no use to you.

“…learn 'business life', not an MBA…”

My advice to young and talented graduate students, whom we met with the invitation of my dear friend Murat Mete's Innovation Marketing Course at Bahçeşehir University yesterday;

…to change your life.

by Transformation Architects #transformationparadox.

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