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  • ycb11107

The demand never ends when it comes to both the business world and the university...

One of the issues that cause the most crisis at any level; perhaps the most valuable…

“Reliable and Intelligent Person”

In an age where companies cannot trust even their heirs and entrust the company;

Your Human Resources Department or HR Consulting companies provide you with your safe that you do not have enough knowledge of financial processes; your contracts, the legislation of which you do not understand very well; It brings together people you have never met, whose mathematics, your software that you will never be able to decode, and which you can entrust the intelligence, culture and future of your company, which you will never be able to redesign, patterned just like nature...

Some of them, due to their inadequacies or psychological problems, cause you to "lost people who are smarter and more reliable than themselves", while destroying productivity by mobbing the healthy young people and most of the employees working under them when they should be receiving psychotherapy.

There is no mechanism that can control and supervise every move of the employees. Those who deal with Cyber ​​Security know very well that it is impossible to design a 100% reliable system and systems are full of security vulnerabilities. If mankind had been able to achieve this, neither renaissance nor reforms would have occurred.

A move that will collapse the structure with a butterfly effect, which you have set up with great effort and patience at a time you least expect, and which is getting more and more difficult to manage, with your increasing expenses for security as you grow...

In fact, while reading this article, scenarios have already started to appear in mind.

Searching for solutions in complex and unmanageable processes is futile.

The solution is actually very simple…

Contrary to what we think, the most important instruments for transformation design are not in technological instruments but in philosophy and anthropology.

Technology is simply the set of tools we use to realize the design.

The hammer only drives nails… The hammer is useless without knowing what nail will be driven.

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