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How much time and effort we spend in case of need.

How much time and effort we spend in case of need.

We learn but do not use what is conveyed in the trainings; We can't remember when we need it.

There is a great disconnect between work and education; quite far from intertwined organicity.

- How is this tool used? How is it set up? What does this tool do? Where and how is the consumable loaded? …

We encounter this problem in many places in factories, hospitals, businesses and laboratories. In fact, it is everywhere in daily life, from electrical appliances at home to settings in the car.

On the one hand, the personnel is changing, there are not always personnel to train the newcomers or someone to ask.

It is not possible to put a man at the head of so many machines and devices in prototype workshops and laboratories; If you do not, there are machines and test equipment purchased with large investments, when there is so much need when there is no user.

Or it tells incompletely and incorrectly to those who know half and do not know at all…

Those who lost their tie, their shirt, those who lost their finger and eye; when the safety measures are not known, not explained.

So how do we ensure instant access to the information we need and learning?

Socrates divides knowledge into trivial and important (virtue) knowledge.

Naturally, the question arises, what does Socrates have to do with these?

To be able to use two thousand and five hundred years old Socratic philosophy in the design of the future, #digitaltransformation...

Coming soon… everywhere…

Instant Learning®


Coming soon…

Instant Learning®

for your “just in time” requirements.

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