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Finance Focus vs. Value Creation

Updated: Jan 31, 2022

Is it the right approach?

Finance Focus vs. Value Creation

Companies that cannot innovate and differentiate in production and try to compete only with price are stuck between optimization and HR costs. This instrument now increases profitability in very small proportions, while greatly increasing the burden on people. The burden on the human is also the mistake...

When the competitive strategies of Michael Porter are examined, you will see that there is not only price competition. Otherwise, Apple products would not sell this much in the world.

Focus on finance; while considering the instruments that will provide differentiation in the product that will create value as costs; It often overlooks the more important approaches that increase profitability.

Creating value has costs.

They have already started to show that our newly graduated young engineers will give more importance to people and meaning if they find a job and are given the opportunity...

Observations and awareness at the very beginning of their careers make them very happy and give hope. Good to know you.

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