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Sure that these words that have become routine will not be foreign to you either;

Updated: Jan 31, 2022

I am sure that these words, which have become part of the routine in some businesses, will not be foreign to you;

- Let's avoid unnecessary(!) processes and costs

- We can't allocate that much budget and time for needs analysis and design.

- We can't get these expensive (!) trainings,

- Let it be implemented in 4 months,

- Personnel increase is not appropriate, let's make use of the existing personnel, it should be done as an additional task

- Manage with existing boards

- Let's do the coordination (without(read)) email.

When the consultants (!) who can use 'digital transformation' in sentences are added to this, unfortunately the sentences we hear and will hear later do not change much;

- Well exceeded our expected budget

- Project delivery date extended by 2 more months

- It's been 2 years and still the program has not been completed,

- Too many bugs popping up

- The cost of this error is almost half of the project cost

“the program/project did not meet our expectations, resources and time wasted…”

Depth and meaning are fading fast. Theories/words are being hollowed out.

In order to increase the success of the Transformation Programs, we completed the "Program Management" training, which was jointly prepared by the Presidency of Defense Industries and Antalya Bilim University and hosted by Akra Hotels, for the leading enterprises of Antalya and our country.

We wish success to all our participating friends, companies and esteemed students with the hope that this work we have done together with my dear friend Bora ARAZ, one of the most competent names of the Program Management, will be beneficial.

The President of Defense Industry, who has always been with us with his support in the realization of this organization. Assist. prof. Dr. Celal Sami Tüfekci and Rector Prof. Dr. I would like to express my respect to our İsmail Yüksek Teachers, and also my esteemed friend Timuçin Diş for his contributions and support.

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